3409 Orchard Rd. Oswego, IL
4745 Main St. Suite #207 Lisle, IL.

Intense negative emotions or no emotion at all, loss of interest or motivation, anger, isolation, loss of interest, hopelessness

Support for Depression

your story counseling support for depression

There are so many stigmas in our society today related to depression. This often makes it difficult to recognize or identify why the changes in our emotions began and if they will ever end. Although sometimes chronic, it is essential to note that a depressive state doesn’t have to be permanent.

Depression doesn’t look one way. For everyone, there are degrees and versions of emotions we face. Depression often goes unnoticed, causing it too often to take a severe toll on an individual and their family’s lives. However, when you notice a significant change in daily functioning, it’s essential to address and understand these disruptions.

Our therapists work with you to understand who you were before feeling this way. Together, we understand how your emotions, interests, or motivations have changed and where this may have stemmed from. Our goal is to create a comfortable and knowing space for individuals to work on how they challenge themselves to return to feeling better. We understand that, just like depression, the process of improving doesn’t look the same for everyone, and we support our clients with the flexibility to decide how this looks for them. Contact us to learn more about Group Therapy and Counseling Services.

Our Therapists

Hidden in the pages of our practice are the personal stories of each one of our therapists. Collectively they add to the purpose and meaning behind 'Your Story Counseling.' The belief that every individual has the power to reshape their life story through understanding comes from a personal journey each one of us had to overcome our own encounters. Allowing us to be more attuned to the stories of those we've dedicated our life's work to support.

Specializing In

While this is a comprehensive list, it is intended to be an overview of our services. Please contact us if there is a particular concern or need you or someone you care about is experiencing that is not listed.
grief and loss
Addiction disorders
depression disorders
EMDR Therapy
anxiety stress related