Child and Teen Therapy
(social skills, general behavioral problems, bullying, ADHD, involvement with legal system.)

Child and Teen Therapy
Childhood and adolescence is the most vulnerable part of our lives. Our children and teens face friends, school, family, and events quite differently than adults. In these moments, it’s hard for the adults in our lives to understand how to adequately show us support in a way that we truly need. Sometimes, it helps for them and their parents to have the supportive space that promotes empathy, understanding how young minds impact capacity to identify feelings, the best methods with which to cope, and the freedom to safely explore and process what’s happening emotionally and around them.
Your Story Counseling has a team of therapists specifically trained and committed to supporting children and teens through common therapy methods, including creative arts therapy, talk therapy, play therapy, and narrative therapy.
Our child and teen therapy team supports our child clients in offices designed to create and nurture a comforting and age-appropriate environment to develop a rapport with the therapist, identify and explore feelings, and meet with their family to develop the best way to understand each other. This team is uniquely equipped both intrinsically and deliberately to support our youngest clients in a way that also incorporates the structure of family backing. Contact us to learn more about Group Therapy and Counseling Services.
If there is a particular concern/need that you or someone you love is experiencing but not list, we encourage you to contact us.
Specializing In

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy
When a disturbing event occurs, it can get locked in the brain with the original picture, sounds, thoughts, feelings, and body sensations. EMDR therapy may assist in effectively processing and incorporating traumatic memories into general associative networks in the brain, creating an understanding of the memories within the larger context of the client’s life experience.

Healing Takes Time
Whether we experience the pain of losing a loved one, a break-up or separation, post-college life, or a new job position or location, when we shift from one chapter of our life to the next, we all require a certain level of support to rework the way we encounter a healthy routine.
Support to rework our daily approach through shifts of:
Life Transitions

Reestablishing Control
Over Mind & Body
We all experience anxiety from time to time as our body’s way of naturally responding to stress. However, when our thoughts become persistently overwhelmed with worry and fear, it can negatively impact how we interact with the various stressors in our life and our response.

Varies from
Person to Person
Intense negative emotions or no emotion at all, loss of interest or motivation, isolation.
There are so many stigmas in our society today related to depression that it often makes it difficult for us to recognize or identify why the changes in our emotions began and if they will ever end. Although sometimes chronic, it is essential to note that a depressive state doesn’t have to be permanent.

Addictions to
Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviors
Whether you are in recovery or find yourself unhappy with your current use of a substance, restrictive or compulsive eating, gambling, or other difficult and repetitive behaviors, our experienced addiction therapists work with you to understand the underlying struggle that may have led to the reliability of your addiction.

Healing from the crisis, feelings of shame, guilt, or harm experienced from the church, religion, or spiritual beliefs
When shame and guilt become intertwined in our fundamental and spiritual beliefs, it can be challenging to know where or who to turn to when we are most in need. Our focus in the faith-based counseling services is to be there in the personal and religious trials that often hinder individuals from receiving the understanding and support they need to connect with their beliefs safely.